Bhutan is a land of soaring snowcapped peaks, alpine meadows, waterfalls, gushing streams, densely forested hills and ravines abounding in exotic flora and fauna. It’s jealously guarded isolation and stunning mountain scenery combined with an ancient culture and colourful friendly people makes Bhutan a very rewarding destination. It is often said that even the most experienced traveler will find Bhutan to be a ‘revelation’. The air is clean and unpolluted, the mountains are magnificent and the architecture awe-inspiring.

Bhutan is very protective of its natural environment and the culture of its people. The fortunate visitor will find a rare combination of harmony and accord, amongst a landscape of incredible natural beauty. Besides the stunning natural scenery, the enduring image of the country to most visitors is the architecture. All buildings, whether large monasteries, private houses or even gas stations, must conform to traditional design. The nation is also a bastion of Mahayana Buddhism, and the teachings of this tradition influence all aspects of life in the kingdom.